Dance me to the end of love


It is an oil on canvas. The title comes from the Leonard Cohen song. It is a figurative expressionist style. The painting depicts two couples dancing with a piano in the background. It is a very striking painting due to the abrupt postures of the two girls. There are many warm colors. It has a lot of atmosphere and movement. Matisse, who has been a great influence on the work of this artist, said that a great modern conquest has been the secret of expression through color. It is precisely this secret that I use with oil paintings, combining my intuition, quick strokes and the transgression of the limits of drawing to achieve expressiveness in my paintings.

Technique: Oil
Subject: Composition
Material: Canvas
Size: 130 / 97 cm.
Year: 2021

Prices are for Madrid pickup. Please get in touch for prices for other shipping and packing.
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